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My first published story is free to the world, but unfortunately, the world is not free.  As things go, I am presently making only $100 a week helping a friend with his business. Even worse, I'm living with my dad.  He's a great guy and all, but I'm 29 years old.  Finding work is hard, so I instead find myself placing my faith in my writing and in those who enjoy it.  An artist like myself needs fans to help fuel the fire.

If you liked reading Cat's Milk and you want to see more, please consider sending a couple of bucks to help keep the ball rolling.  I'd like to be able to pay a little something for a web-designer, and self-publishing is not all as free as one might think.  There's much work that goes into writing a story, publishing it, and then advertising it.


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The donations go through PayPal, a trusted service for at least a couple of decades.  If you don't have an account with them, just click the Continue link under the heading "Don't have a PayPal account?" to the left of the sign in form and fill out your info.

If you choose not to donate any money, that's okay; I still appreciate you taking the time to visit the site.  Friendship can never truly be bought anyway.  =)

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